159 research outputs found

    Online, interactive user guidance for high-dimensional, constrained motion planning

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    We consider the problem of planning a collision-free path for a high-dimensional robot. Specifically, we suggest a planning framework where a motion-planning algorithm can obtain guidance from a user. In contrast to existing approaches that try to speed up planning by incorporating experiences or demonstrations ahead of planning, we suggest to seek user guidance only when the planner identifies that it ceases to make significant progress towards the goal. Guidance is provided in the form of an intermediate configuration q^\hat{q}, which is used to bias the planner to go through q^\hat{q}. We demonstrate our approach for the case where the planning algorithm is Multi-Heuristic A* (MHA*) and the robot is a 34-DOF humanoid. We show that our approach allows to compute highly-constrained paths with little domain knowledge. Without our approach, solving such problems requires carefully-crafting domain-dependent heuristics

    Path Clearance

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    In military scenarios, agents (i.e., troops of soldiers, convoys, and unmanned vehicles) may often have to traverse environments with only a limited intelligence about the locations of adversaries. We study a particular instance of this problem that we refer to as path clearance problem.This article presents a survey of our work on scalable and suitable for real-time use approaches to solving the path clearance problem. In particular, in the first part of the article, we show that the path clearance problem exhibits clear preferences on uncertainty. It turns out that these clear preferences can be used to develop an efficient algorithm called probabilistic planning with clear preferences (PPCP). The algorithm is anytime usable, converges to an optimal solution under certain conditions, and scales well to large-scale problems. We briefly describe the PPCP algorithm and show how it can be used to solve the path clearance problem when no scouts are present. In the second part of the article, we show several strategies for how to use the PPCP algorithm in case multiple scouting unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are available. The experimental analysis shows that planning with PPCP results in a substantially smaller execution cost than when ignoring uncertainty, and employing scouts can decrease this execution cost even further

    R* Search

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    Optimal heuristic searches such as A* search are widely used for planning but can rarely scale to large complex problems. The suboptimal versions of heuristic searches such as weighted A* search can often scale to much larger planning problems by trading off the quality of the solution for efficiency. They do so by relying more on the ability of the heuristic function to guide them well towards the goal. For complex planning problems, however, the heuristic function may often guide the search into a large local minimum and make the search examine most of the states in the minimum before proceeding. In this paper, we propose a novel heuristic search, called R* search, which depends much less on the quality of the heuristic function. The search avoids local minima by solving the whole planning problem with a series of short-range and easy-to-solve searches, each guided by the heuristic function towards a randomly chosen goal. In addition, R* scales much better in terms of memory because it can discard a search state-space after each of its searches. On the theoretical side, we derive probabilistic guarantees on the sub-optimality of the solution returned by R*. On the experimental side, we show that R* can scale to large complex problems

    Dynamic Multi-Heuristic A*

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    Abstract—Many motion planning problems in robotics are high dimensional planning problems. While sampling-based motion planning algorithms handle the high dimensionality very well, the solution qualities are often hard to control due to the inherent randomization. In addition, they suffer severely when the configuration space has several ‘narrow passages’. Search-based planners on the other hand typically provide good solution qualities and are not affected by narrow passages. However, in the absence of a good heuristic or when there are deep local minima in the heuristic, they suffer from the curse of dimensionality. In this work, our primary contribution is a method for dynamically generating heuristics, in addition to the original heuristic(s) used, to guide the search out of local minima. With the ability to escape local minima easily, the effect of dimensionality becomes less pronounced. On the theoretical side, we provide guarantees on completeness and bounds on suboptimality of the solution found. We compare our proposed method with the recently published Multi-Heuristic A * search, and the popular RRT-Connect in a full-body mobile manipulation domain for the PR2 robot, and show its benefits over these approaches. I

    Stochastic Activity Authoring With Direct User Control

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    Crowd activities are often randomized to create the appearance of heterogeneity. However, the parameters that control randomization are frequently hard to tune because it is unclear how changes at the character level affect the high-level appearance of the crowd. We propose a method for computing randomization parameters that supports direct animator control. Given details about the environment, available activities, timing information and the desired highlevel appearance of the crowd, we model the problem as a graph, formulate a convex optimization problem, and solve for a set of stochastic transition rates which satisfy the constraints. Unlike the use of heuristics for adding randomness to crowd activities, our approach provides guarantees on convergence to the desired result, allows for decentralized simulation, and supports a variety of constraints. In addition, because the rates can be pre-computed, no additional runtime processing is needed during simulation

    Incremental Phi*: Incremental Any-Angle Path Planning on Grids

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    We study path planning on grids with blocked and unblocked cells. Any-angle path-planning algorithms find short paths fast because they propagate information along grid edges without constraining the resulting paths to grid edges. Incremental path-planning algorithms solve a series of similar path-planning problems faster than repeated single-shot searches because they reuse information from the previous search to speed up the next one. In this paper, we combine these ideas by making the any-angle path-planning algorithm Basic Theta* incremental. This is non-trivial because Basic Theta* does not fit the standard assumption that the parent of a vertex in the search tree must also be its neighbor. We present Incremental Phi* and show experimentally that it can speed up Basic Theta* by about one order of magnitude for path planning with the freespace assumption

    Multi-Resolution A*

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    Heuristic search-based planning techniques are commonly used for motion planning on discretized spaces. The performance of these algorithms is heavily affected by the resolution at which the search space is discretized. Typically a fixed resolution is chosen for a given domain. While a finer resolution allows for better maneuverability, it significantly increases the size of the state space, and hence demands more search efforts. On the contrary, a coarser resolution gives a fast exploratory behavior but compromises on maneuverability and the completeness of the search. To effectively leverage the advantages of both high and low resolution discretizations, we propose Multi-Resolution A* (MRA*) algorithm, that runs multiple weighted-A*(WA*) searches having different resolution levels simultaneously and combines the strengths of all of them. In addition to these searches, MRA* uses one anchor search to control expansions from these searches. We show that MRA* is bounded suboptimal with respect to the anchor resolution search space and resolution complete. We performed experiments on several motion planning domains including 2D, 3D grid planning and 7 DOF manipulation planning and compared our approach with several search-based and sampling-based baselines
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